Trambahn (Streetcar) through the English Garden

Cable car (Trambahn) through the English Garden

The architects Grub and Lejeune have expanded the idea of the “tramway through the English Garden” and are promoting a new initiative for an additional tunnel specifically for the tramway through the English Garden. This initiative should not be confused with the tunneling of the Mittlerer Ring. The picture shows the entrance and exit of the streetcar just before Giselastrasse.

Streetcar through the English Garden
Streetcar through the English Garden – Source: Graphic by Petra Lejeune and Hermann Grub

The planned tramway through the English Garden (listed by the Munich transport company MVG under the project “Tram Nordtangente”) comprises the approximately 13 km long streetcar route between Neuhausen (Romanplatz), Schwabing and Bogenhausen (St. Emmeram). Of this, an approx. 1 kilometer long section between Tivolistraße and Thiemestraße or Giselastraße through the English Garden has to be rebuilt. This has met with approval but also with criticism, as the English Garden will be cut up again by the streetcar line.

The project itself is not without controversy. The Süddeutsche Zeitung has summarized further background information and the city council’s decision.

The architects Grub and Lejeune have extended the idea of the tramway through the English Garden and are promoting a tunnel for the tramway. The picture shows the entrance and exit of the streetcar just before Giselastrasse.

With or without a tunnel, a streetcar is to run through the English Garden. Commissioning is planned for around 2025.

Information about the project is available from Münchner Verkehrsgesellschaft.

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