Anyone walking from the Chinaturm to the Giselastraße subway or vice versa will pass the Rumfordschlössl (Rumfordhaus).
The Rumfordschlössl – nature and culture meeting place in the English Garden

Despite the four pillars on the front of the house, it is not immediately obvious that it is a small castle. Formerly an officers’ mess, it is now a nature, culture and youth center run by the Munich District Youth Council.
The playground behind the house
Behind the house, nestled in the English Garden and surrounded by beautiful, tall trees, there is a natural playground with a pond, table tennis tables, swings and small soccer goals. The playground is fenced in, but still open all day. As it cannot be seen from the front, it is a little insider tip…
Children’s and youth club in the Rumfordschlössl
The children’s and youth club offers a varied, seasonal program for 6 to 12-year-olds. Whole school classes can also register to do handicrafts together.
Monday to Thursday, the Kreisjugendring offers an open meeting in the afternoon (1). During the vacations, parents are obliged to register their children. Children from 6 to 12 years of age can be registered.
Once a year, everything revolves around the bat
Once a year, bat fans get their money’s worth, because that’s when the bat festival takes place. The Landesbund für Vogelschutz e.V. is organizing two events. One for children in the afternoon, with a program about bats, and a bat tour in the evening for anyone interested. It takes around 1.5 hours. The meeting point is the Chinese Tower in the English Garden.
The story:
The Rumfordschlössl was built in 1791 as an officers’ mess (recreation room for officers) and named after Sir Benjamin Thompson, the Earl of Rumford. It had a wonderful hall of mirrors. During the Second World War, the Schlössl suffered destruction and had to be renovated. In the 1960s it was opened for youth work and has since been used by the district youth association as a children’s and youth club.
(1) Official website of the Rumfordtreff
Nearby: Chinese Tower Beer Garden and the Chinese Tower.